To answer a frequently asked question...
Second, mist hair lightly with the mist of your choice. Usually I just use plain ol' water.
Third, smooth back your hair with your hand or brush (if you use them). I use a 100% soft boar bristle brush.
Fourth, apply shea butter like you would if it were a gel. Smooth it on and in a backwards motion.
Fifth, smooth it again just you did in the third step. At this point you can determine if you need more shea butter or more misting.
Last, secure with a scarf until you are ready to walk out the door. I like to secure for a minimum of 15 mins - which is usually the drive time to my destination.
Note: the shea butter works great alone on my hair but some may find they they need something heavier like a gel or something lighter like coconut oil. Listen to your hair.