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Simple Braid Headband

This is really simple fun and cute.
All you do it make a normal part in her hair we use a side lateral part.
Then take a small section of hair at the back of the lateral part and braid it to the ends.
Take another small amount of hair across the part and braid it to the ends.
Combine both braids underneath all of her hair and secure with an elastic. 
The only thing to remember is make sure the hair on the sides is smooth under the braid on both sides. 

Toddler Fancy Hair

As I have mentioned so many times my daughters hair is so fine and difficult to work with that when I start a hairstyle I always hope that it turns out cute.
We started by making a small poof in the front of her head.
Because of how short and thin her hair is we took the bottom half of her hair and secured it upwards with an elastic. 
Then all the hair gets pulling into a high ponytail.  I put ringlets in her hair using the flat iron.
Once the ringlets were done I used bobbie pins to lay them in place. 
Below is the top back view of her head.
This last picture is to show everyone how much fun we have doing her hair.  As you can see she is full of it and always a moving target for hairstyles. 

Length retention Fall 2010 - Winter 2011

Throughout the cold seasons I try to do as much as I can to retain length. Since I dislike cold weather so much this is the best time of the year to keep my hair up and protected. When its cold I need to be able to throw on hats and coats without worrying about my hair.

I started here:
Line 3

And now I am here:
Line 6.5

 From line 3 - line 6.5, not bad; each line is 1 inch from the previous line. I am really close to 7 and may be at that line but I did not flat iron my hair until it was bone straight. I got results very similar to the previous winter so it looks like I may have discovered a length retention routine that works for me. My secret? Keep it simple. Complicated regimens and numerous treatments may yield good results also, but why put yourself (and wallet) through that stress if you don't need to. To see the steps I followed each week click here: Fall 2010 -W inter 2011 Regimen

There are a few things I would have changed about the regimen:

1. I would have started the scalp moisturizing and massages earlier in the winter, maybe around mid-December.

2. I liked the yarn braids but because it was my first experience with them they were not as great for my length retention as I would have like for them to be - my ends were dry when I removed the braids. I should have focused a lot more attention to moisturizing the portion of the braids that held the ends of my hair.

3. I think I would have benefited from an additional henna treatment. I am noticing that at this point of my healthy hair journey I am moving away from following a strict regimen and trying to do what my hair tells me.

Now that Spring is here (although it's still cold out) it's time to enjoy this length. My goal this Spring/Summer is to actually wear my hair out more. I find myself getting stuck in a protective styling routine because they enable me to only worry about my hair once a week.

BTW, last night I found some fabric paint in my craft room so next time the lines/numbers on my shirt will be a lot easier to see in pics;)

Length retention Fall 2010 - Winter 2011

Throughout the cold seasons I try to do as much as I can to retain length. Since I dislike cold weather so much this is the best time of the year to keep my hair up and protected. When its cold I need to be able to throw on hats and coats without worrying about my hair.

I started here:
Line 3

And now I am here:
Line 6.5

 From line 3 - line 6.5, not bad; each line is 1 inch from the previous line. I am really close to 7 and may be at that line but I did not flat iron my hair until it was bone straight. I got results very similar to the previous winter so it looks like I may have discovered a length retention routine that works for me. My secret? Keep it simple. Complicated regimens and numerous treatments may yield good results also, but why put yourself (and wallet) through that stress if you don't need to. To see the steps I followed each week click here: Fall 2010 -W inter 2011 Regimen

There are a few things I would have changed about the regimen:

1. I would have started the scalp moisturizing and massages earlier in the winter, maybe around mid-December.

2. I liked the yarn braids but because it was my first experience with them they were not as great for my length retention as I would have like for them to be - my ends were dry when I removed the braids. I should have focused a lot more attention to moisturizing the portion of the braids that held the ends of my hair.

3. I think I would have benefited from an additional henna treatment. I am noticing that at this point of my healthy hair journey I am moving away from following a strict regimen and trying to do what my hair tells me.

Now that Spring is here (although it's still cold out) it's time to enjoy this length. My goal this Spring/Summer is to actually wear my hair out more. I find myself getting stuck in a protective styling routine because they enable me to only worry about my hair once a week.

BTW, last night I found some fabric paint in my craft room so next time the lines/numbers on my shirt will be a lot easier to see in pics;)

"Isn't it beautiful? Alright."

Warning: There is some foul language during the first few minutes of the film.

Nappy Heads Unite (A Short Film)


"Isn't it beautiful? Alright."

Warning: There is some foul language during the first few minutes of the film.

Nappy Heads Unite (A Short Film)


Flat Twistout w/ 2 Braids

You get it first...

This is a style I wore to the CurlyNikki gathering a while back. I got a few questions on how I maintained the look and this is how.

The flat twists were done on dry hair that was an old twist-out. The older the twist-out the more stretched out the look. 

This look was originally done on freshly washed hair but as the days passed the look got a little messy and this video basically demonstrates the steps I took to refresh the style.

To achieve/refresh this style:
1. Create two plaits/braids in the front
2. Separate the rest of the hair into easy to work with sections
3. Using a water-based product, flat twist from the crown to the nape (this will encourage length with the look)
4. When hair is 100% dry remove the twist (apply oil if desired) and fluff until you are happy with the look

Edit: The error with the video not playing should be resolved. If it does not play for you please let me know

Flat Twistout w/ 2 Braids

You get it first...

This is a style I wore to the CurlyNikki gathering a while back. I got a few questions on how I maintained the look and this is how.

The flat twists were done on dry hair that was an old twist-out. The older the twist-out the more stretched out the look. 

This look was originally done on freshly washed hair but as the days passed the look got a little messy and this video basically demonstrates the steps I took to refresh the style.

To achieve/refresh this style:
1. Create two plaits/braids in the front
2. Separate the rest of the hair into easy to work with sections
3. Using a water-based product, flat twist from the crown to the nape (this will encourage length with the look)
4. When hair is 100% dry remove the twist (apply oil if desired) and fluff until you are happy with the look

Edit: The error with the video not playing should be resolved. If it does not play for you please let me know

In The News: The First Bald Beauty Queen

I thought this was a lovely story and that it also reinforces the notion of "I am not my hair." It can be so easy to get wrapped up in a hair regimen and finding the perfect hair style/length that we forget about that it is what we have on the inside that really matters. 

When she was 25 years old, Sandra Dubose-Gibson  was diagnosed with alopecia and as a result lost all of her hair. Sandra  states: "I am here to help them see the beautiful human beings they truly are and boldly celebrate that beauty and strength from the inside out." (source)

Sandra's Blog: My Alopecia Experience

No matter what's on your head, you can do and be what you desire!

Read more:
First Bald Beauty Queen Crowned in North Carolina

Find out more about Alopecia:
Alopecia areata
Scientists identify gene that may be responsible for hair loss

In The News: The First Bald Beauty Queen

I thought this was a lovely story and that it also reinforces the notion of "I am not my hair." It can be so easy to get wrapped up in a hair regimen and finding the perfect hair style/length that we forget about that it is what we have on the inside that really matters. 

When she was 25 years old, Sandra Dubose-Gibson  was diagnosed with alopecia and as a result lost all of her hair. Sandra  states: "I am here to help them see the beautiful human beings they truly are and boldly celebrate that beauty and strength from the inside out." (source)

Sandra's Blog: My Alopecia Experience

No matter what's on your head, you can do and be what you desire!

Read more:
First Bald Beauty Queen Crowned in North Carolina

Find out more about Alopecia:
Alopecia areata
Scientists identify gene that may be responsible for hair loss

Prince and Chaka Khan

Last night I was able to enjoy an awesome concert:

Chaka Khan opened for Prince and she did a great job. That lady is so talented and her vocals are amazing. She did "I'm Every Woman," "Tell Me Something  Good," and some others. Then later she did a duet with Prince and they performed "Sweet Thing." Chaka Khan also wow'ed the crowd when she dropped it like it was hot - yes she did! A few times!

Of course I was mesmerized by Chaka Khan's hair. I told my DH that when I get up there in the years I am wearing my hair like hers. He laughed but he knows I will do it.

Chaka Kahn's Hair
When Prince hit the stage it was non-stop cheering for about 5 mins. It was loud! 

He put on a great performance and his backup singers were amazing. Those ladies could really sang!

The "made me feel old" moment of the night was when my friend told me that her son asked her "Who is Prince?" LOL! He's only 8yrs old but still....dang.

My hair for the event? Well, I twisted my hair for a twist-out but it didn't dry before I had to get ready and then it rained (humidity) - I ended up with some really big hair, not too bad. I like it messy. I was actually told by some friends that they spotted me because of my hair first, lol.

Now I'm off to search for Chaka Khan's hair regimen. **fingers crossed**

Prince and Chaka Khan

Last night I was able to enjoy an awesome concert:

Chaka Khan opened for Prince and she did a great job. That lady is so talented and her vocals are amazing. She did "I'm Every Woman," "Tell Me Something  Good," and some others. Then later she did a duet with Prince and they performed "Sweet Thing." Chaka Khan also wow'ed the crowd when she dropped it like it was hot - yes she did! A few times!

Of course I was mesmerized by Chaka Khan's hair. I told my DH that when I get up there in the years I am wearing my hair like hers. He laughed but he knows I will do it.

Chaka Kahn's Hair
When Prince hit the stage it was non-stop cheering for about 5 mins. It was loud! 

He put on a great performance and his backup singers were amazing. Those ladies could really sang!

The "made me feel old" moment of the night was when my friend told me that her son asked her "Who is Prince?" LOL! He's only 8yrs old but still....dang.

My hair for the event? Well, I twisted my hair for a twist-out but it didn't dry before I had to get ready and then it rained (humidity) - I ended up with some really big hair, not too bad. I like it messy. I was actually told by some friends that they spotted me because of my hair first, lol.

Now I'm off to search for Chaka Khan's hair regimen. **fingers crossed**

Toddler Poof and Braids

On my oldest daughter I would say this style is really easy but with my youngest this can be a trick.  Not only because her hair is so thin but she is also a moving target while trying to braid. 
First make a small poof in the front of her hair.
Then start above her ear on one side and french braid her sides up until you reach the center of her head.  Do this on both sides of her head.
Add the hair from the poof and both braids and combine into an elastic as shown below.
I finished this style by making ringlets in her hair and she wanted a bow added.

Parabens? Huh?

A while back someone asked me what I thought about parabens. Honestly, I never thought anything about them. So this research was truly a learning experience for me.

Parabens are a class of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries and are used as preservatives in many types of formulas. Paraben compounds are used in products for their bactericidal and fungicidal properties.

Where can they be found?
-commercial moisturizers
-shaving gels
-personal lubricants
-topical pharmaceuticals
-food additives 

A small percentage of the population is actually allergic to parabens and can suffer from skin irritation if exposed.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their report "Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Agents of Subtle Change?" reported that parabens displayed estrogenic activity in several tests. 

What does that mean?
Parabens can mimic your body´s own hormones and can result in an endocrine-disrupting action when they are rubbed into your body or washed down the drain into your drinking water. This can result in interference with your body´s endocrine system: your hypothalamus, your ovaries, your thyroid. I actually have a friend that was told by her health care professional to stop using products with parabens because they were making her sick. 

Parabens have been proven to penetrate the skin and can be traced in the blood minutes after application, it is theorized that they may have adverse effects on the body. A major issue that struck a cord with me (and many of us know already) is that  the FDA has no ability to regulate the ingredients in cosmetics - they can only publish lists of additives they consider harmful and rely on the manufacturers to make changes themselves.

In sum, you must make the decision for yourself regarding whether or not you will continue to use products that contain ingredients that may or may not be safe for continuous human use. Always do your own research utilizing reliable sources so that you can make an informed decision.


If you have some knowledge (or comments) about parabens, 
please share the wealth and comment below.

Parabens? Huh?

A while back someone asked me what I thought about parabens. Honestly, I never thought anything about them. So this research was truly a learning experience for me.

Parabens are a class of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries and are used as preservatives in many types of formulas. Paraben compounds are used in products for their bactericidal and fungicidal properties.

Where can they be found?
-commercial moisturizers
-shaving gels
-personal lubricants
-topical pharmaceuticals
-food additives 

A small percentage of the population is actually allergic to parabens and can suffer from skin irritation if exposed.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their report "Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Agents of Subtle Change?" reported that parabens displayed estrogenic activity in several tests. 

What does that mean?
Parabens can mimic your body´s own hormones and can result in an endocrine-disrupting action when they are rubbed into your body or washed down the drain into your drinking water. This can result in interference with your body´s endocrine system: your hypothalamus, your ovaries, your thyroid. I actually have a friend that was told by her health care professional to stop using products with parabens because they were making her sick. 

Parabens have been proven to penetrate the skin and can be traced in the blood minutes after application, it is theorized that they may have adverse effects on the body. A major issue that struck a cord with me (and many of us know already) is that  the FDA has no ability to regulate the ingredients in cosmetics - they can only publish lists of additives they consider harmful and rely on the manufacturers to make changes themselves.

In sum, you must make the decision for yourself regarding whether or not you will continue to use products that contain ingredients that may or may not be safe for continuous human use. Always do your own research utilizing reliable sources so that you can make an informed decision.


If you have some knowledge (or comments) about parabens, 
please share the wealth and comment below.

A night out with an old twist out

When you have old hair, a busy day, and plans later that night - trying to figure out something to do your hair can be stressful.

It just so happens that two days before I watched a YT video on a Quick and Easy Saturday Night Updo...and I must say, it was very quick and very easy.

 The style was done on a 3 day old twist out that was on it's last leg - seriously it was BAD.

I did not apply any product to my hair prior to styling and the only tools used were my hands, a brush, and a hairzing.

For smoother edges you can gel & brush - then tie them down. I opted to go with just a brush because I didn't want the style to look like an attempt at neatness - I prefer messy looks when my hair is out.

I got a few compliments that night so this will definitely be a "go to" look for those days/nights when I have little to no time to do my hair for an event.

A night out with an old twist out

When you have old hair, a busy day, and plans later that night - trying to figure out something to do your hair can be stressful.

It just so happens that two days before I watched a YT video on a Quick and Easy Saturday Night Updo...and I must say, it was very quick and very easy.

 The style was done on a 3 day old twist out that was on it's last leg - seriously it was BAD.

I did not apply any product to my hair prior to styling and the only tools used were my hands, a brush, and a hairzing.

For smoother edges you can gel & brush - then tie them down. I opted to go with just a brush because I didn't want the style to look like an attempt at neatness - I prefer messy looks when my hair is out.

I got a few compliments that night so this will definitely be a "go to" look for those days/nights when I have little to no time to do my hair for an event.

Dandy Giveaways

Dandy Giveaways has featured the The Wright Hair.  I have written an exclusive Hair Remedies for them go and take a look by clicking here

Product Review: Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Pak

Ingredients: Water Aqua, Soybean Oil Glycine Soja, Glycerine, Olive Oil Olea Europaea, Hydrolyzed Collagen , Quaternium-80 , DMDM Hydantoin, Amino Silk Acid, Dimethicone Copolyol, Orange Oil Citrus Aupantium Dulcis, D'Limonene , Panthenol Vitamin B5, Dimethicone , EDTA, Chamomile Extract Anthemis Nobilis, Sage Extract Salvia Officinalis, Nettle Extract Urtica Dioica, Rosemary Extract Rosmarinus Officinalis , Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Barbedensis , Yarrow Extract Achilea Millefolium, Kiwi Extract Actinidia Chinensis, Polyquaternium-37, Trideceth-7, Triethanolamine, Hydrolyzed Glycosaminoglycans, Methylchlorosothiazolinone , Methylchlorothiazolinone, Yellow No. 6 CI 15985, Yellow No. 5 CI 19140

They say: Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Pak conditions the hair and puts back vital nutrients while restoring moisture; leaving the hair soft and shiny.

I say: I tried this product with heat and without heat. Without heat my hair was soft but not any softer than it is when I deep condition as normal. With heat my hair  felt soft and stronger which is what I was hoping for since this product is a protein treatment. The smell of this product is kinda citrus-like to me. I don't particular like citrus smells but it wasn't too strong and overwhelming. When using this with heat it made my hair felt hard when touched so I did not manipulate my hair until I let some water run through my hair for a few seconds. The strong feeling stayed throughout the week so this is a product that I will use again and will use only as needed.

Product Review: Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Pak

Ingredients: Water Aqua, Soybean Oil Glycine Soja, Glycerine, Olive Oil Olea Europaea, Hydrolyzed Collagen , Quaternium-80 , DMDM Hydantoin, Amino Silk Acid, Dimethicone Copolyol, Orange Oil Citrus Aupantium Dulcis, D'Limonene , Panthenol Vitamin B5, Dimethicone , EDTA, Chamomile Extract Anthemis Nobilis, Sage Extract Salvia Officinalis, Nettle Extract Urtica Dioica, Rosemary Extract Rosmarinus Officinalis , Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Barbedensis , Yarrow Extract Achilea Millefolium, Kiwi Extract Actinidia Chinensis, Polyquaternium-37, Trideceth-7, Triethanolamine, Hydrolyzed Glycosaminoglycans, Methylchlorosothiazolinone , Methylchlorothiazolinone, Yellow No. 6 CI 15985, Yellow No. 5 CI 19140

They say: Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Pak conditions the hair and puts back vital nutrients while restoring moisture; leaving the hair soft and shiny.

I say: I tried this product with heat and without heat. Without heat my hair was soft but not any softer than it is when I deep condition as normal. With heat my hair  felt soft and stronger which is what I was hoping for since this product is a protein treatment. The smell of this product is kinda citrus-like to me. I don't particular like citrus smells but it wasn't too strong and overwhelming. When using this with heat it made my hair felt hard when touched so I did not manipulate my hair until I let some water run through my hair for a few seconds. The strong feeling stayed throughout the week so this is a product that I will use again and will use only as needed.

Scalp Massage with Jasmine Oil

I know that isn't pure Jasmine oil and that it also contains mineral oil BUT it makes me feel so good! I always say "do what your hair likes not what someone tells you to do" and this is something that my likes.

The smell of Jasmine oil was something that I really had to get used to and once I did I realized just how relaxing the scent of jasmine oil can be when used in small doses. To use jasmine oil to massage my scalp I attach the top of the roots only bottle to the jasmine oil bottle and applied the oil directly to my scalp. I massaged for 5-10 minutes and then shampooed my scalp as usual. I only do the massaging when I am sure that I am going to shampoo because I don't want to leave the oil on my scalp for too long and it starts to clog my pores.

Jasmine oil does exist in pure form and can be mixed with another light oil (almond, olive, jojoba, etc) and used in the same manner (using jasmine oil in its concentrated state can be harmful). Listed below are a few of the benefits that can be gained from using jasmine oil:

  • Jasmine oil is an anti-depressant
  • Jasmine oil can make your hair feel thicker and healthier
  • Jasmine oil is an antiseptic

For more info:
Jasmine Oil Benefits for Hair
Jasmine Oil
Jasmine Oil (blurtit.com)
Jasmine Oil - wikipedia

Scalp Massage with Jasmine Oil

I know that isn't pure Jasmine oil and that it also contains mineral oil BUT it makes me feel so good! I always say "do what your hair likes not what someone tells you to do" and this is something that my likes.

The smell of Jasmine oil was something that I really had to get used to and once I did I realized just how relaxing the scent of jasmine oil can be when used in small doses. To use jasmine oil to massage my scalp I attach the top of the roots only bottle to the jasmine oil bottle and applied the oil directly to my scalp. I massaged for 5-10 minutes and then shampooed my scalp as usual. I only do the massaging when I am sure that I am going to shampoo because I don't want to leave the oil on my scalp for too long and it starts to clog my pores.

Jasmine oil does exist in pure form and can be mixed with another light oil (almond, olive, jojoba, etc) and used in the same manner (using jasmine oil in its concentrated state can be harmful). Listed below are a few of the benefits that can be gained from using jasmine oil:

  • Jasmine oil is an anti-depressant
  • Jasmine oil can make your hair feel thicker and healthier
  • Jasmine oil is an antiseptic

For more info:
Jasmine Oil Benefits for Hair
Jasmine Oil
Jasmine Oil (blurtit.com)
Jasmine Oil - wikipedia

Roll to Side Bun

We are on a roll at our house. 
This one is very easy and fast.
 Start on the left side of her head and make a roll adding new hair each roll similar to adding hair to a french braid.  Roll all the way to the right side of her head.
Below shows that I just pulled the right side hair back to meet the roll.  Then secure all the hair in an elastic. 
 Make a messy bun and we added a flower for our accessory.

Product Review: Shea Moisture Organic Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie

Ingredients: Water, Shea Butter, Mango Seed Oil, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Aloe Leaf Extract, Silk Protein, Need Seed Oil, Carrot Seed Oil, Essential Oil Blend, Honeysuckle flower extract, Lonicera Flower Extract, Japanese Flower Extract, Vitamin E.

They say: Shea Moisture Coconut Hibiscus Curling Souffle with coconut oil, silk protein and neem oil strengthens and repairs damaged and frizzed out curls. Adds moisture, body and shine and keeps your curls looking shiny and healthy.

I Say: I was a little late with trying this one because I did not want to spend money on a product that was not sure about. The ingredients sound wonderful but from the look of it I was sure what it would do for my hair. I liked that the ingredient listing was all natural and I appreciated the amount product that was in the container for $9.99. However, the scent is too strong for me and drives  me crazy. My hubby said he likes it but I think it's different when you are not the one with the scent hovering around your head. The product is also very light  and didn't do much for holding my twist outs or enhancing my curl. One thing about this product that I noticed recently is that if you use a little too much it will create an icky feeling film on the hair and scalp. I can say with 100% certainty that I will not purchase this product again, it was not for me. If you tried and loved it - please comment. I hope that it works for others.