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Dry hair? Try a Hot Oil Treatment

The dry winter air can be harsh on your strands and so can the summer. This can leave you looking for a remedy for dry hair all year long. Have you tried hot oil treatments?

Many professional hair stylists recommend that hot oil treatments are done on a weekly basis. Let me be the first to admit that I only do them as needed - doing them weekly would be too much for my hair. Hot oil treatments can work by giving your hair strength and locking in the moisture it needs to prevent breakage.

Some common ingredients used in hot oil treatments are Olive oil, honey, canola oil, various body & hair oils, and essential oils. The oil choice that you use should be based on your hair's needs.

To do a hot oil treatment you will want to heat the oil first. Some people heat the oil in the microwave, I don't recommend this method for heating because the oil gets too hot too fast. If you do choose to use the microwave please make sure you let the oil cool before using. The oil should be warm-to slightly hot, NOT burning hot. I prefer to heat my oil by placing it in a plastic container and then setting that container in a bowl of hot water. The oil will heat up gradually with this method.

Then apply the warm oil to your hair (I like to apply to dry hair), cover with a plastic cap, and let the oil sit on your hair for 15-20 minutes. At this point you can then shampoo and condition as usual.

The results from an hot oil treatment may not be instant but with consistency you should begin to see an improvement in your hair.

Additional Reading
Do A Homemade Hot Oil Treatment
How Hot Oil Treatments Work
How To Do A Hot Oil Treatment