First, let me say that EVERYONE is welcome to this blog. I am not that type of Christian that hates anyone. It's your life you live it the way you want to and no matter what I will still love you in theway that Christ modeled love over and over again. I am NOT perfect and I have no room to judge and no right to condemn. Today I just want to do something for a particular group of commenters on the blog.
Sometimes on these natural hair blogs, vlogs, and forums I feel kind of outcast. I'm not bothered by it because I understand that by choosing not to conform to the things of this world that I am not always up-to-date on the "cool" stuff. But the purpose of this post is not to preach, it's to refer- you know the good stuff, more websites to stalk :)
So many of you leave words of appreciation on the Sunday Post that I wanted to point you in the direction of some other sites/blogs that you may be interested in.
Daily Word Reading on YouTube by naturalhairful
-She reads from the Bible, she doesn't interpret or give her personal opinion
Sunday Morning by Sunny-Side Up
-Finally some fashion posts that covers the day that really matters to me - SUNDAY :)
Island Potpourri by Ruth
-Situations and scenarios that make you think about your own Christian Journey
Women of the Word Celeb Profiles by HerBestHair (me)
-A place to see natural hair in someplace other than secular music
Trendy Tee'z by Dymesha
-Scriptural & Spiritual clothing (I've actually ordered a few)
Protecting Your Crown and Glory - DPrincess28
-Natural hair and a natural world, it's a win-win combination
We can have us a "good ol time in the Lord" if we all come together and support one another. If you have/know of a blog that would fit in perfectly with this list, please leave the link in the comment box below.
Be blessed not stressed!
*I will check all links before publishing the comments