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You Asked, I Answered

You Asked:
hello miss
Excuse my english
I m french. So I don't speak very welle english
But i need your help for my hair.
I made my big chop 2 week ago and how do you help me for wearing my TWA.

I Answered:
After the big chop it may be useful to learn your hair before focusing on styling. From my experience I did not damage to my hair executing styles before learning how to properly care for my hair. Personally, I love TWAs and think they look so cute on people. Now is the time to experiment with makeup, jewelry, and other accessories. While you waiting for your hair to grow check out the links in Style Search post for some ideas of different ways to fiercely wear your TWA.


You Asked:
I was reading a blog post and realized that I have multi-textured hair! I had no clue! If I blow dry or curl (basically add heat of some kind), my hair is manageable. However, I hate to do that everyday. Most of my hair is super-fine, soft, and wavy. About 15% of it is tightly curled and coarse. It makes my hair look really frizzy if I don't fix it. Also, the base of my hair can get greasy... Anyway, do you have any advice for care/styling this mixed up head of mine? Thanks so much!!!

I Answered: 
Multi-textured hair can be a headache until you learn how to deal with it. The first thing I did was identify the different textures. Then when I would use a product I would take note of how each section responded. Also, I looked for "hair twins" for each texture and experimented with some (very few) of the products that worked for them. The best thing I did was to also take note of the products that gave similar results to the majority across various hair types. Those products became my staples. It takes trial and error but once you figure it out, it will be worth the effort.


You Asked:
hey what do u recommend 4 hair growth n thickn?

I Answered:
The key thing to keep in mind when your goal is growth and thickening is that there is not a miracle product out there that will give you results overnight. If there was - we would all have it and it would never stay stocked on the shelves. However, there are some products and treatments that quite a number of health hair journey (HHJ) individuals swear by. Castor oil, henna, and ayurvedic treatments are a few that are favored. Google those treatments and read up on them to see if any interest you. Also, keep in mind that healthy hair begins on the inside - eat right, exercise, and make sure you are getting the proper nutrients. Change will not occur overnight so make sure you prepare yourself to have patience.

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