A comment I read regarding Kohls and that wig prompted me to Google "ghetto fab wig" and what I discovered was not shocking at all - it was a SMH moment.
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On the left side of the screenshot please note all the stores that also sell this product that made some of us so upset with Kohls:
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Quite a few people (including myself) were not happy with the wig on the Kohls site but the thing to keep in mind is that Kohls did not make this product, they were only a vendor. For years, people of many ethnicities have fought stereotypes and we all know that history has the tendency to repeat itself. We shouldn't be overly shocked when things like this happen but I also feel that we should not let things like this slide just because we know that they will and are going to happen. Let's take moments like this to educate ourselves and others - I bet every customer service employee at Kohls now knows the true definition of the word "ghetto" LOL.
Ghetto 1: a quarter of a city in which Jews were formerly required to live2: a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure3a : an isolated group b : a situation that resembles a ghetto especially in conferring inferior status or limiting opportunity [Source: Merriam-Webster]