This style is a repeat from a style I wore maybe a year ago. I received a lot of requests to do a tutorial for this style. If you are interested in achieve this look please check out the tutorial posted on YouTube.
Sunday's message:
Jeremiah 8:18-20
There were many points made with this sermon and the referenced text but there was one particular point that struck a cord with me. The point made was pertaining to how life is like the seasons:
Spring: This is the beginning of life, development is occurring, and now is the time to plant the seeds of what you will reap.
Summer: This is the working season. The season in which you store up for the fall and winter.
Fall: This is the time in which your crops are harvested. This is also the time that you may start to find it difficult to do things that your used to do (in the Spring).
Winter: The season of slowing down, winding up, and dark days.
This portion of the sermon made me think about what season my life falls in and also how quickly other seasons have gone by (for me and others). I have to (for myself) learn to enjoy the season that I am in while still preparing for the next. I am seeking the balance.