This year has been great for my hair. I learned a lot about caring for it and I am happy that all the time and dedication is showing by my hairs health. I have regain love for some old things and developed love for some new things.
I can't believe that I went so long without know about coconut oil. It has worked wonders for my hair-it is so much softer. Shea butter has been a constant in my life for years and my hair still loves it. I mixed coconut oil and shea together- my hair said WOW.
The EZ comb is a great invention-I wish I would have thought of that. Buns have been an awesome protective style, this is the first time in my life wearing them and I have never depended on hair pins so much. I used to not care if I owned any at all.
Giovanni.....where have you been all my life. Most of my products just get the job done but that Tea Tree Conditioner actually made me say WOW. I never thought about using castor oil on my hair...I never knew it was good for more than...well you know.
I am finally an owner of a satin pillowcase and guess what....I am not raking little broken hairs out of the bed anymore. I even got one for my hubby. Lustrasilk is my staple deep conditioner I haven't even tried another one. Olive oil....never purchased it before I started caring for my hair. I didn't even cook with it. Now I do everything with it. Goody headbands....great for those bad hair days :)
If it wasn't for my shower comb....I would probably be bald. Detangling is not fun but that comb makes it easier. Aloe Vera gel is just great. I just need a plant now and I will feel complete. LOL