A few months ago I came across this article in which some researchers conducted a study with essential oils and there role in hair growth. In the study 16 out of 35 patients experienced hair growth by using the essential oil blend created by the investigators. I think the results of this study are amazing and I am surprised that they have remained so quiet. Especially among the natural community. It would be great to experience growth from completely natural regimens instead of incorporating all of these products created in labs that promise growth. In the study the participants used a "blend of cedarwood (2 drops, 94 mg), lavender (3 drops, 108 mg), rosemary (3 drops, 114 mg) and thyme (2 drops, 88 mg) in a carrier oil mix of jojoba (3 mL) and grapeseed (20 mL). The placebo group used just the carrier oils. Subjects were taught to rub the oil into the bare areas of their scalp for two minutes each evening and then to wrap a warm towel around their head to enhance absorption."
Essential Oils Can Help Regrow Hair
by Richard N. Podell, M.D.