Alternate between shampoos and co-washes. The winter hair is already drying to I don’t want to shampoo too often. Every week might be too much for my hair. I am only shampooing once a month.
Deep condition every week with Lustrasilk Olive Oil Cholesterol/Essential Oil Mix
After rinsing and while hair is still damp, spray with Aloe Gro, and seal with Shea Butter/Coconut Oil mix
Special Treatments
Oil Rinse - If needed (I love these!!!)
Styles for the cold weather will consist of braids, cornrows, buns, and twists that are pinned up or styled in updos. Now that I can do roller sets, I will incorporate those as well.
Since I have been more loving towards my ends they have not given me a problem with splits and fairy knots. I am going to trim when needed - S&D!!!