Proper Nutrition
Healthy hair grows at an average rate of about 1/2 inch per month. If you choose to take hair vitamins, Biotin and Folic Acid that make your hair grow faster. I don’t like to “pop pills” I love food so I would rather eat what I need. This is also why I don’t do protein treatments. I drink proteins shakes for a quick breakfast so I am sure that I am getting more than I need.
Using proper tools
Nighttime Care Satin pillowcase and scarves work wonders! Cotton can cause breakage and suck the oils out of our hair.
Wearing protective styles
They are great for minimizing breakage and retaining moisture. Protective styles are those which work to prevent snags and help maintain the overall healthiness of your hair. Protective styles fall into two categories: Complete and Low-manipulation protective styles.
Complete Protective Styles are styles that have the ends out of sight and are 100% protective. These styles include: all varieties of buns, chignons (French rolls), tucked styles, phonytails (phony-ponies), wigs, and sew-in type weaves.
Low-Manipulation Stylesare styles that do expose the ends to some degree, but are protective in that they drastically cut down on the manipulation (combing/handling) the hair experiences. These styles include: Rollersets, Braids, cornrows, some updo's or pinned up styles, braidouts and twistouts.