The entire year of 2009 I have been focusing on the health of my hair. Today I used coconut for the first time and I loved it. That got me thinking about how much more of an effort I have been putting into the overall health of my hair instead of styles and length. Looking at before and after pics really encouraged me. In 2005 my hair looked dull and brittle-not to mention, look at those ends! In 2009 I am still not where I want to be but my hair feels softer, looks healthier, and my ends have more intact ones vs splits.
I didn't realize how much time had passed since I first started taking pics of my hair for a FOTKI album. I have been through a lot of trial and error since that time. The internet and discovery of all those hair care sites has been dangerous. Be careful of who you take your advice from. I tried some "treatments" that left me feeling like my scalp and hair were going to slide right off and plop on the floor. The best advice I can give is to listen to your hair and give it what it asks for and not what someone tells you to do. Especially if that person has never seen or touched your hair. Remember what works for one may not work for another. Don't be afraid to keep your routines simple, trying suggestion after suggestion will only slow down your learning process about what your needs and likes. I hope my super simple information helps someone out there. I know my blog is not filled with tons of treatments, regimens, and products but that is because I don't believe in putting so many different elements into a hair care routine. Simple is working for me. The proof is in the pudding!