Earlier this week I was passed the Stylish and Versatile Blog award from Ruth at Island Potppouri and I am finally getting around passing on the award to others. First things first, THANKS for the award. I am truly flattered.
Let's get to it, here are the seven random things about me that I am sharing:
1. I LOVE shoes. I have over 100 pairs stashed in various places around the house and I wear them all. I had to stop buying shoes because I ran out of room to store them.
2. I used to wish I was 2 inches taller so that I could audition for ANTM (LOL). I was stopped by scouts twice while I was in college and that was a real confidence booster - but I decided to focus on school and but that "dream" on the back burner.
3. At this point in my life there are only two foods that I have encountered that I do not like - squash and chitterlings (gag).
4. On my bucket list I have: Visit all 50 U.S. states
5. I am fortunate to have members in my family on both sides that have traced our lineage and found out that our people (dad's side) are from Ghana and on the other side (mom's side) trace back to an Irish man and a Cherokee woman. I think that's pretty cool.
6. My hubby and I married on 08/08/08 but not for the "luck" myth - we got engaged on 08/08/07, I wanted to keep the date significant for us. Our wedding colors were our birth stone colors - Aquamarine and Sapphire.
7. I am undefeated in Wii boxing. ::waves hand in front of face:: you can't see me! :)
So now I pass the Stylish and Versatile Blog on to:
Curly Film Chick at Diary of a Quirky Curly Film Chick
Karli at Curly Hairdo Ideas
Tia at NaturallyTia
Shones at Curly Sweet Life
So that they may share seven things about themselves to their readers. Have fun!