If you can't help but become a product junkie there are ways to go about it with a decreased feeling of guilt.
2. Request samples. There are so many companies out there that will provide samples to potential customers that there is no need to go out and purchase full sized full priced products just to "try" them.
3. Shop the travel aisle. If a company does not provide samples try the travel aisle in your local retail/discount store. Those items are constantly changing so keep your eye on them to see if the product you are curious about makes the shelf.
4. Use coupons. The funniest thing to me is to be line behind a person that just paid full price for a product and then they hear my total being about 50% less...all because I used a coupon. Here is the trick: purchase the item only when on sale and use the coupon at the moment. Also, if the store has a VIP/MVP card, get one and use it.
5. Swap, Swap, Swap. When you RSVP "yes" to attend a meet-up, GO! (no one likes a slacker). Usually at meet ups there are product swaps and someone just might bring the product that you have been wanting.