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Essential Facts for Essential Oils

Almost every natural healthy hair care "addict" has heard about the use of essential oils. There are so many that can be hard to keep up with them all. I listed just a few of the top mentioned oils and their functions.

Basil - is a beneficial herb that stimulates and promotes hair growth, massaging with this oil promotes healing, health, and improves scalp circulation which, in turn, promotes hair growth. Basil is good when used together with fenugreek and ivy burdock herbs. Basil is used in many shampoos and conditioners that are designed for scalp health.

Burdock: It helps with skin, scalp and hair cell renewal. It also helps to stimulate blood flow to the root of the hair. Burdock Root Essential oil is also supposed to help with hair loss in both men and women.

Fenugreek: Fenugreek has long been used for stimulating blood flow especially to minor capillaries such as those that feed the hair root. Fenugreek makes for a great topical application like in shampoos, conditioners and in hair tonics. Fenugreek for hair care is an excellent choice especially for those that are having problems with hair growth. Fenugreek also compliments sage, lemongrass, lemon peel, burdock and ivy extract.

Lavender can be used in any type of hair product as it does a good job of soothing the scalp and the hair. Effects: Soothing, Relaxing. Aroma: Middle note. Scent: Sweet, Herbal, and Fruity combines well with: Bergamot, Geranium

Myrrh: Myrrh is not typically used in hair care products. If it is then Myrrh is typically used for those have greasy hair and those that want a more purified scalp. It is used in very small quantities.

Peppermint: Peppermint helps to stimulate blood flow to the root of the hair. This helps the hair to receive proper nourishment and to grow correctly. It is a great for hair that is growing slow or hair that is thinning. Peppermint makes the scalp tingle and this is what stimulates the blood flow to the hair. This stimulation can help with hair loss and thinning hair in women and men.

Rose Essential Oil: We love the smell of Rose and love the way that it feels in the hair but the only problem with rose for hair products like shampoo is that it costs a lot of money for rose essential oil.

Tea Tree Oil: Works daily to get to the heart of dandruff other scalp conditions that can be helped with Tea Tree oil as it works to purify the scalp. It is often included with Jojoba oil for hair as the two are used to deep cleanse the scalp. Tea tree oil works extremely well for those that suffer from scalp psoriasis and scalp dandruff.

Thyme essential oils and herbs for great hair! Thyme is often used is deep cleansing shampoo and works well when used with even the mildest cleansing agents. It works well when combined with other anti oily scalp products such as Thyme and sage.

Ylang ylang - Ylang Ylang is from the first part of the distillation process, and is considered by most to be the best. This essential oil has properties: aphrodisiac, anti-depressant, anti-infectious, anti-seborrheic, antiseptic, euphoric, hypotensive, nervine, regulator, sedative, stimulant, and tonic. Historically, it has been used for cosmetic and hair care, skin diseases, and to prevent fever and fight infections. Is also used to soothe insect bites. Ylang Ylang blends well with lavender, sandalwood, rosewood, jasmine, vetiver, opopanax, bergamot, mimosa, cassie and rose. It is non-toxic, non-irritant and a few cases of sensitization have been reported.

Rosemary - has effect in stimulating the hair-bulbs to renewed activity and preventing premature baldness.

Arnica - A hair rinse prepared with arnica extract has been used to treat alopecia neurotica.

Sage - A strong infusion of sage used as a hair rinse may darken hair color and help reduce hair loss.

Bay - helps your hair grow. If you have dull hair, this essential oil can restore it, also well for dandruff problems. For stimulating your hair health you can add three drops of bay essential oil to the shampoo you regularly use.

Jojoba oils – great to use as a carrier oil, has healing properties for damaged and breaking hair.

If you do not have a local store in your area that sells essential oils, they can easily be purchased online: Buy Essential Oils


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