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Another fun updo

Start at the bottom of her head. Take a part from ear to ear and pull it up into an elastic as shown below.

Make braids on both sides of her head. For example look below. Under the braids make a small part and pull her hair into an elastic.

Do the same thing to both sides. Then take all the remaining hair and all the small ponytails and put them into 1 ponytail in the middle of her head.

Take the ponytail and on the last time you are ready to pull it through the elastic leave the ends still in the elastic.

Below is a picture of the top of her hair.

Growth Regimen

  1. Shampoo weekly
  2. Deep condition weekly
  3. Moisturize length & ends nightly with Shea Butter/Olive Oil mixture
  4. Keep check on ends and trim when needed.
  5. Style in Protective styles
  6. and the biggie...........keeping my hair off my shoulders & no heat.

Essential Facts for Essential Oils

Almost every natural healthy hair care "addict" has heard about the use of essential oils. There are so many that can be hard to keep up with them all. I listed just a few of the top mentioned oils and their functions.

Basil - is a beneficial herb that stimulates and promotes hair growth, massaging with this oil promotes healing, health, and improves scalp circulation which, in turn, promotes hair growth. Basil is good when used together with fenugreek and ivy burdock herbs. Basil is used in many shampoos and conditioners that are designed for scalp health.

Burdock: It helps with skin, scalp and hair cell renewal. It also helps to stimulate blood flow to the root of the hair. Burdock Root Essential oil is also supposed to help with hair loss in both men and women.

Fenugreek: Fenugreek has long been used for stimulating blood flow especially to minor capillaries such as those that feed the hair root. Fenugreek makes for a great topical application like in shampoos, conditioners and in hair tonics. Fenugreek for hair care is an excellent choice especially for those that are having problems with hair growth. Fenugreek also compliments sage, lemongrass, lemon peel, burdock and ivy extract.

Lavender can be used in any type of hair product as it does a good job of soothing the scalp and the hair. Effects: Soothing, Relaxing. Aroma: Middle note. Scent: Sweet, Herbal, and Fruity combines well with: Bergamot, Geranium

Myrrh: Myrrh is not typically used in hair care products. If it is then Myrrh is typically used for those have greasy hair and those that want a more purified scalp. It is used in very small quantities.

Peppermint: Peppermint helps to stimulate blood flow to the root of the hair. This helps the hair to receive proper nourishment and to grow correctly. It is a great for hair that is growing slow or hair that is thinning. Peppermint makes the scalp tingle and this is what stimulates the blood flow to the hair. This stimulation can help with hair loss and thinning hair in women and men.

Rose Essential Oil: We love the smell of Rose and love the way that it feels in the hair but the only problem with rose for hair products like shampoo is that it costs a lot of money for rose essential oil.

Tea Tree Oil: Works daily to get to the heart of dandruff other scalp conditions that can be helped with Tea Tree oil as it works to purify the scalp. It is often included with Jojoba oil for hair as the two are used to deep cleanse the scalp. Tea tree oil works extremely well for those that suffer from scalp psoriasis and scalp dandruff.

Thyme essential oils and herbs for great hair! Thyme is often used is deep cleansing shampoo and works well when used with even the mildest cleansing agents. It works well when combined with other anti oily scalp products such as Thyme and sage.

Ylang ylang - Ylang Ylang is from the first part of the distillation process, and is considered by most to be the best. This essential oil has properties: aphrodisiac, anti-depressant, anti-infectious, anti-seborrheic, antiseptic, euphoric, hypotensive, nervine, regulator, sedative, stimulant, and tonic. Historically, it has been used for cosmetic and hair care, skin diseases, and to prevent fever and fight infections. Is also used to soothe insect bites. Ylang Ylang blends well with lavender, sandalwood, rosewood, jasmine, vetiver, opopanax, bergamot, mimosa, cassie and rose. It is non-toxic, non-irritant and a few cases of sensitization have been reported.

Rosemary - has effect in stimulating the hair-bulbs to renewed activity and preventing premature baldness.

Arnica - A hair rinse prepared with arnica extract has been used to treat alopecia neurotica.

Sage - A strong infusion of sage used as a hair rinse may darken hair color and help reduce hair loss.

Bay - helps your hair grow. If you have dull hair, this essential oil can restore it, also well for dandruff problems. For stimulating your hair health you can add three drops of bay essential oil to the shampoo you regularly use.

Jojoba oils – great to use as a carrier oil, has healing properties for damaged and breaking hair.

If you do not have a local store in your area that sells essential oils, they can easily be purchased online: Buy Essential Oils


Aromatherapy At Home

Ezine Articles

List of more Essential Oils

Toddler Puffy into Ponytail

As must of you know and I still continue to complain about how thin her hair is so this hairstyle came about one of my friends has a little girl that the sides of her hair above her ears was cut really short. So we did this style to help her.

Start on one side of her head and make a small part above her ear and make similar to the headband. On one side of her head I did 3 puffy braids and on the other side I did 2. I always do a far lateral part that is why they are uneven.
This is the side with 3. I made the 2 sides meet in the middle.

This is what it looks like from the top of her head. Very cute and simple. My toddler doesn't sit still very long as most toddlers don't.

Longer Healthier Hair

The journey to longer healthy hair has officially begun! The main reason that I choose this goal is because.....I had nothing else to shoot for. I have been natural since birth and I have finally learned what my hair likes, what it can take, and and what it hates. I have always been content with it's length but I figure "what the heck" let's see how long I can grow.

On Wednesday, I did a clarifying wash, deep conditioned with Lustrasilk Olive Oil Cholesterol conditioner, and blow dried it out with low heat for an easier trimming.
Thursday I wore my hair up and off my shoulders in a bun. Then Thursday night I trimmed my ends, massaged my scalp, and moisturized downs to the ends. Put my hair in four small buns and wrapped up in satin. Bedtime! :)

I used the blow dryer on my hair prior to trimming. I wasn't going for an even trim I was aiming to eliminate split ends and those annoying little knots.
This is the result of my trim.

Gymnastic Hair

We have been watching a lot of the TV show Make it or Break it. It is about Gymnastics. My daughter Aurora takes gymnastics as well and love one of the girls hair. So this is where this hairstyle comes from.

My pictures don't show this very well but the lowest section of her hair is pulled up to the middle of her head and secured with an elastic. Once this is done make a part down the middle and french braid each side.

The picture below shows best the middle section of hair I was talking about. The french braids only go down about halfway.

Then take the 2 french braids and the middle hair and put in an elastic.

Then I made 3 separate braids

After you have the 3 braids I folded them upward and curled the remaining hair. Then put a bow.


Make 2 diagonal parts across the bottom of the hair. Then take the middle section and secure with an elastic.

WE have a very far side part in the front of her hair. Take the front hair and pull it down to the ear and secure with an elastic.

The picture above and below are the hair in the front of her head pulled down to her ears.

Take all the remaining hair and pull it into a ponytail. Don't pull the hair all the way through.

I use the remaining hair to pull around the elastic to hide the elastic. We then put in one of our favorite bows to give it the finishing touch.

Luau Hairstyle Toddler

The Luau hairstyle comes from a special request. I was honored that she asked me to come up with a style. I hope this is what she had in mind. My daughter has very fine, thin hair.

I decided to make a headband out of puffy braids. I started by her left ear making a straight line across the top of her hair with small square parts. The picture below shows the headband halfway across.

This is how I ended the headband. I then put a flower clipped in to give her the Hawaiian look

Below is how cute the Luau Hairstyle turned out from different views.

Another Luau Style for More Hair

A Fun Headband for Girls with Longer Hair

The picture below is not very good but it was the only one I took at this step.

Start by making small square parts across the front of her head. Once these are put in place pick a ribbon and lay it behind the first row of small ponytails.

Then make another row of small ponytails and take a small piece from the front row of ponytails to give a diagonal look across the ribbon. Not only does this look cute but it helps to secure the ribbon and keep it in place.

Then we put a flower by her ear. I let my daughter pick out the flower that is why it is purple.

Fancy Updo

This is not the best picture of the front of her hair I will get a better one.

This works best if the hair is wet. Take a small section of hair at the base of her head.

Then make a part and pull up each section of hair and pull it through to give the twist look.

Take another small section of hair on top of the one you just did. Make 3 equal parts and do the same step make a twist in each of these.

Then take the front of her hair and make a side part. Pull the hair down to her ear and put a twist through them one on each side.

Pull all of the hair into 2 pigtails then take half of each of the pigtails and secure together and twist them.

Take the reaming hair and make a messy bun leaving some hair hanging out. Curl these pieced of hair to get this beautiful updo below. This is a picture of the side of her hair

This is the view from the back of her head.

Split Ends aka Trichoptlosis

This past week my husband and I celebrated our first anniversary in Jamaica. The last thing I wanted to be concerned about was my hair so I decided to do individual braids all over. It was the perfect style for our trip. I could get in and out of the pool and co-wash without having to detangle and style.

When we got back I was looking at the ends of my hair and I have more split ends than I have ever senn in my life. I recently made the decision to focus on growth but how can I if my ends are split and can't maintain length. This has led me to researching how to properly care for my ends.

This is what I found:

Split ends are also known as trichoptlosis. The most common cause of trichoptlosis is the type of manipulation that hair is subject. Abuse from chemicals, hair dryers, curling/flat irons,
and rough combing/brushing can result in split ends. Splits ends cannot be repaired with some magic formula, they must be trimmed off using sharp hair scissors.

A few tips for preventing split ends
  1. African-American hair dries out faster and that can cause ends to split
  2. Small tooth combs can fray hair - use wide tooth
  3. Friction from your pillow can cause breakage - use a satin scarf or a satin pillow case
  4. Trim your ends every few weeks (most hair grows about 1/2in per month cut more frequently, you will not see any length)
  5. Deep condition at least every two weeks
  6. Use a daily moisturizer - focus on the ends
  7. Apply a light oil after using a water-based moisturizer to seal in the moisture
Since I am trying to obtain length I am also going to (try to) refrain from letting my hair hang on my shoulders. I know the all day exposure to friction can't be good.

Zig Zag Pigtails Toddler

Just make a zig zag part down the center of her hair.

Then secure each side with an elastic.

1st Day of School Hair

As I am sure you can tell we now have bangs so we did a simple first day of school hairstyle.
She got all new bows (these bows match her school outfits perfectly. The bow for this outfit had the same beads that are on the neck of this dress.) She was determined to wear the matching bow this morning so we did a simple small braid on each side of her head. Then I put them together with an elastic and put the bow on.
Simple cute and she looked beautiful for her first day of school.

If anyone is interested the bows are from the website www.mom-stuff.com . All of her bows were custom made to match all of her new school clothes.

French braid Updo

A Fun Up do.

Make a center poof in the front of her hair.

Make 2 separate small french braids on both sides of the head.

Then pull the remaining hair up into a ponytail. I didn't pull the ponytail all the way through.
Then wrap a small piece of hair around the ponytail

This is what it looks like from the top of her head