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Trends and Observations of Hair Growth Aids

Long curly hair - so many in the natural hair communities desire the look. On almost every site you can find ideas and theories that consist of recipes and regimens that promise to yield amazing growth.

I have browsed blogs, Youtube channels, and a number of websites for years and the one thing I noticed is that many of the hair growth regimens/products come and go in waves. Depending on the website that you are visiting at the time the the hair growth product/regimen that people are raving about will vary.

Teyana Taylor
The common denominator of all the sites is "fast growth!" Why do we go to such extremes to obtain the length that we will eventually achieve with time and proper care? What is the fascination with long hair? I know 1 Corinthians 11:15 states that "if a woman has long hair, it is her glory?" However, not everyone seeking long hair is seeking that goal based upon biblical principles. Is it prettier? A challenge to conquer? Easier to manage? (haha...sorry)

As for myself, I've never had really short hair or relaxed hair. So dealing with my length and curliness is actually easier for me but still a lot of work. A few months ago I had my hubby cut off a few inches because I was annoyed at the amount of time and work that styling was beginning to take.

I've always admired the look of some individuals with shorter hairstyles. I have two friends that both wore TWAs for a while and they looked so fierce all the time. I was sure to let them know that often. Basically what I am saying is that it's okay to have short hair - it can be beautiful.

Some of the "grow long" claims on the internet today:
Miconazole Nitrate
Mommy Moe's Moegrow Oil
Wild Growth Hair Oil
The list goes on...

My personal feelings on growth aids is that I don't believe in them. I've tried a few of them and did not notice any drastic growth with any of the regimens or products. I actually experienced the most growth and length retention when I simplified my regimen and started being more consistent with my hair care practices. Another thing I noticed about many of the hair growth regimens is that they include massaging the product into the scalp. So I figured why not just follow my regular regimen and take some care in massaging my scalp when shampooing and conditioning. So far so good...

What are your thoughts on this subject?

This post is not purposed for bashing of any kind on any hair growth aid claims - it is just a summation of observations made throughout the years.