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Healthy Hair Care on a Budget

I have noticed a lot of so-called "quality" hair care items can be on the pricey side. So what is a girl on a budget to do? Get creative and put those brain cells to use! Many products can be made right in your own kitchen. I know buying products is more of a convenience...but when you make your own, just make a lot-the amount you would pay for anyway. Additionally, you can make the product just like your hair likes it.

You want a good moisturizing quality shampoo...
Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap, because you have to dilute this soap-it lasts quite a while. Search the web for mixing/dilution options

You need a conditoner for cowashing...
VO5 & Suave are two brands that always affordable, sometimes less than $1

Deep conditioners are only good when then cost a lot....NOT!
Get a cholestoral conditioner (Lustrasilk, LeKair) and add some oil (olive, coconut, jojoba, etc) to it. I like to mix 1 cup of conditioner with almost 1/2 cup of olive oil and some essential oils.

Styling Aids....gotta have 'em
Organic Aloe Vera Gel....make it into a spritz, add it to a pomade, or use it to make a holding gel. The options are only limited by your creativity
Sweet Almond oil...a little goes a long way and gives awesome shine

So there you have it wallet friendly cleansing, conditioning, and styling. All it takes is a little research.